Evolutionary History of the Chimpanzee

Evolutionary History of the Chimpanzee

UCSC Hub Tracks

Positive selection scans for each one of the Chimpanzee subspecies analyzed are avaliable as UCSC Tracks. Clicking the following picture will load a Hub Track with all the results into the official UCSC Genome Browser.

UCSC Browser

UCSC Tracks are a great way to evaluate and interpret genome-wide natural selection scans. They allow to visualize the genomic context of a given selection signal, as well as to compare against the other species/populations.
When the Hub Track is loaded into the UCSC Browser, the scores of the 15 selection tests used in the article for each of the 4 subspecies (Pan troglodytes ellioti / Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii / Pan troglodytes troglodytes / Pan troglodytes verus) are visualized as default. You can hide or show any Track by accessing to the configuration menu of the Browser.