
Here is a list of the tests implemented in our pipeline.

  1. Tajima’s D (Tajima, 1989): Comparison of estimates of the number of segregating sites and the mean pairwise difference between sequences.
  2. CLR (Nielsen et al., 2005). Multilocus Composite Likelihood Ratio Test. Read more about the CLR
  3. Fay and Wu’s H (Fay & Wu, 2000): Comparison of the number of derived segregating sites at low and high frequencies and the number of variants at intermediate frequencies.
  4. Fu and Li’s F* (Fu, 1997): Comparison of the number of singleton mutations and the mean pairwise difference between sequences.
  5. Fu and Li’s D* (Fu, 1997): Comparison of the number of singleton mutations and the total number of nucleotide variants.
  6. R2 (Ramos-Onsins and Rozas. 2002) Comparison of the difference between the number of singletons per sequence and the average number of nucleotide differences.
  7. XP-EHH (Sabeti et al., 2007): Cross-population extended haplotype homozygosity.
  8. Delta iHH (Voight et al., 2006Grossman et al., 2010): difference between two integrated haplotype homozygosity scores.
  9. iHS (Voight et al., 2006): log ratio between two integrated haplotype homozygosity scores.
  10. EHH average (Sabeti et al., 2002): Extended halotype homozygosity; weighted average for all core haplotypes of the position at which the haplotype homozygosity decays to <=0.5.
  11. Wall’s B (Wall, 2000): Counts the number of pairs of adjacent segregating sites that are congruent (if the subset of the data consisting of the two sites contains only two different haplotypes)
  12. Wall’s Q (Wall, 2000): Adds the number of partitions (two disjoint subsets whose union is the set of individuals in the sample) induced by congruent pairs to Wall’s B.
  13. Fu’s Fs (Fu, 1997): Based on Ewens’ sampling distribution, taking into account the number of different haplotypes in the sample.
  14. Dh (Nei, 1987): Summary statistic based on the number of different haplotypes in the sample
  15. Fst (Weir and Cockerham, 1984) : global and pairwise
  16. delta DAF: difference of Derived allele frequencies between 2 populations.
  17. XP-CLR (Chen et al., 2010): Multilocus allele frequency differentiation between two populations.